An ancestor whom I long had interest in, was my father's direct
matrilineal ancestor Mary Anne Slaterus-Pike (1844-1916). The only family
stories about her were delivered by her granddaughter, my
great-great-grandmother Jkvr. Frederika Mallien-Leyssius, who, according to
what is told me, loved telling all her stories in the East Indies again and
again: "Did I already tell you...?" Told or not, she would speak.
About her grandmother Mary Anne Pike, not an awful lot was known nor
told. She was born on her father's ship, which was told to be a pirate ship -
of course, this was to colour the story - but it turned out that it was true Mary Anne was born on board of her father's ship. Furthermore, the story rose that she
was related to a "bishop Pike", but for this no clues have been found.
Some research about her was done by Christiaan van Vuure, who worked
together with Henk Slaterus on the family tree Slaterus. In a journey to Padang
on the island of Sumatra, and found information on the background of Mary Anne
Pike. Her parents were Michael Lawrence Pike, a captain from India
(Jaggernaikpuram) and the native baptized woman Sophia. Furthermore became
clear that Michael Lawrence Pike was the son of the identical named Michael
Lawrence Pike and Wilhelmina Dirksen.
A picture of Mary Anne Slaterus-Pike with some family in front of her house in Padang:
Mary Anne Slaterus-Pike with some children and sons-in-law,
Padang, ca. 1900 (thanks to Christiaan van Vuure). |
About this picture is written on the Slaterus blog.
Pike is English
Research in the online databases of and the British
Library, passenger lists on google books, and contacts with possible family
member Carrie Butler, made it possible
to create a pedigree of Mary Anne Pike. It is shown below, written in Dutch.
First however, I will make some initial comments:
In the database I firstly stumbled on a Michael
Laverence Pike, born in Churston Ferrers, Devonshire 1746/7. He was the only of
that name in the whole database. Though one does have to be aware of coincidence, this is a name too rare to be not connected with the Pikes in the East.
On google books, in journals like "The Asiatic Journal", a captain M.
Pike was mentioned, travelling on his ship "The Reliance" along the
shore of eastern India. That this was to be understood as Michael Lawrence Pike
senior is due to the fact that once miss Dirkes with some relatives (miss A.
Dirkes = Anna Elisabeth Dirksz or Aleida Theodora Dirksz , master B. Dirkes = Benjamin Thomas Dirksz) travelled with him.
In lists mentioning Michael Laverence Pike (*1746/7) from Churston Ferrers, this
person is called a leaseholder. This means he was quite an agrarian. This
Michael Laverence Pike was not the right person to be married to Wilhelmina
Dirksen. He was just "to old," and besides that was an agrarian.
More logically, he could be an earlier member of the family travelling
to India.
Contacts with Carrie Butler, who also descend a Pike from India,
revealed she also thought Michael Laverence Pike had something to do with the
later Michael Lawrence Pike x Wilhelmina Dirksen, but was not sure how these
two people connected to each other.
Quite soon after, she said she may have found a solution: in
chronological and geographical ways it made a very good sense.
She found a Michael Laverence Pike married to Elizabeth Spicer Moss in
the parish of Plymstock, a village some east of the harbour town Plymouth. As
Plymstock only lay 30 miles from Churston Ferrers, the name Michael Laverence
Pike was quite unique, and Plymstock was close to a harbour city, we may
identify this Michael Laverence Pike with the one born in Churston Ferrers. In
a document
he deals together with presumably family member Walter Avent Moss with the
business of some ships, which means he is connected with sea faring affairs. In
the document he is called "of Preston" which according to me is to be
read "of Oreston", a parish close to Plymstock.
Together with Elizabeth Spicer Moss he got five children, among one was
Michael Lawrence Pike (born 1779).
It seems rather logical to me that this Michael Lawrence Pike (1779), born in
a village near to sea and with a father coping with sea faring affairs, was
about to begin a career at sea. I propose to equate him with the captain M.
Pike of the "Reliance", married to Wilhelmina Dirksen.
I made a scheme of my conclusions, to make things more clear, as it is confusing to have 3 people of the same name succeeding each other:
Pike: from Devonshire to Sumatra |
In the pedigree below I included some more information (it is in Dutch).
Concerning Wilhelmina Dirksen, I found her on, baptized
in Sadras as Wilhelmina Nentie Dirksz (with Nentie "Nancy"), daughter
of Christian Bernhardus Dirksz and Maria Mentie Gevel. In the pedigree more is
said about them also. Attempts to map their ancestry are not yet made, but this will be very difficult, as the registers from the Coromandel coast have not been preserved very well.
A pedigree of Mary Anne Pike.
Generatie 1
1 Mary Anne
Pike, geboren op 15
februari 1844 op haar vaders schip “Norfolk”, nabij het eiland Singkep
(Oost-Sumatra), overleden te Padang op 23 november 1916.Zij was gehuwd te Padang op 5 oktober 1863 met Frederik Lodewijk Slaterus, boekhouder,
geboren te Huize Cruysvoorde, Twello, op 11 november 1831, overleden te Padang
op 11 december 1894, zoon van Frederik Lodewijk Slaterus en van Anne Marie Wilhelmine Lohman.
2 Michael
Lawrence Pike, gezagvoerder,
geboren volgens trouwakte te Jaggarnaikpoeram (Coromandelkust, Brits-Indië),
gedoopt te Fort St. George op 4 maart 1815, overleden te Padang op 24 december
1865. Hij was later gehuwd te Padang op 10 december 1864 met Louise Henriette
Apon. Hieruit:
Michael Lawrence Apon,
geboren te Padang op 1 april 1851, overleden aldaar op 28 mei 1852.
Nicolaas Pike, geboren
te Padang op 8 april 1853, jong overleden in de jaren 1880.
3. Louise Henriette Pike, geboren te Padang op 22 juni 1855. Zij is
gehuwd met Charles Louis Baier. Zij
vertrokken naar 's-Gravenhage.
Vanaf 1843
had hij een relatie met
3 Sophia, gedoopte inlandse vrouw. Hieruit:
1. Mary Anne Pike, 1
William Pike, geboren te
Padang op 26 augustus 1847.
4 Michael
Lawrence Pike, kapitein
van de “Reliance,’ te Madras, gedoopt te Plymstock (Devonshire) op 13 augustus
1779, overleden op zee bij de Bengalen op 17 november 1823. Hij was gehuwd met
Wilhelmina Nancy Dirksz, gedoopt
te Sadras op 10 juli 1788. Hieruit:
1. Michael Pike, born at Coringa 2 januari 1806, gedoopt te Calcutta 4 januari
1807, overleden 21 mei 1811.
2. Captain William Pike, geboren in 1808, gedoopt te Fort St. George 23 september
1809, diende in de country service, overleden te Coringa 9 juni 1841.
3. Nicholas Pike, geboren op 23 May 1810, gedoopt te Fort St. George
(Madras) op 23 maart 1811.
4. Mary Anne Pike, geboren op 19 mei 1812, gedoopt te Fort St. George 16
oktober 1813, gehuwd te Madras op 31 maart 1832 Mr. Robert Constantine Cole,
esquire, koopman, overleden Madras 3 augustus 1842.
Michael Lawrence Pike, 2
[Nicolas Pike, geboren te Madras in 1817, algae
collector, painter of Indian Ocean and Mauritius fish, overleden in 1905?.]
[Mr. John Pike.]
Generatie 4
8 Michael
Laverence Pike, gedoopt
te Churston Ferrers op 3 maart 1746/7. Hij is gehuwd te Plymstock op 7 december
1774 met
Elizabeth Spicer Moss, gedoopt
te Plymstock op 22 november 1751, begraven aldaar op 29 januari 1788.
William Moss Pike, gedoopt te Plymstock
op 22 juni 1776.
Ann Spicer Pike, gedoopt te Plymstock
op 7 december 1777. Zij huwt Christopher Pike, haar neef.
Michael Lawrence Pike, 4
Nicholas Moss Pike, geboren te Oreston
(Plymstock) in 1783, gedoopt te Plymstock op 1 april 1784.
Tabitha Moss Pike, gedoopt te Plymstock
op 21 januari 1787.
10 Christian
Bernardus Dirksz, boekhouder
O.I.C, resident Jaggernaikpoeram.
Hij is gehuwd
(2) met Anna Elisabeth van Holt. Hieruit:
1. Maria Mentie
Dirksz, geboren op 14 december 1797, gedoopt te Jaggernaikpoeram op 18 augustus
1799. Zij huwt 31 oktober 1817 te Nellapilly Capt. C.F. Davies.
2. Anna Elisabeth
Dirksz, geboren op 17 novembe r 1804, gedoopt te Coringa op 11 februari 1810.
3. Aleida Theodora
Dirksz, geboren op 19 november 1806, gedoopt te Coringa op 11 februari 1810.
4. Benjamin Thomas
Dirksz, geboren op 23 september 1808, gedoopt te Malapilly op 11 februari 1810.
Hij was
gehuwd (1) met
11 Maria
Mentie Gevel, misschien
afstammend van Bartholomeus Gevel, die een eeuw eerder vaandrig was aan de
Coromandel, hij vertrekt 1719 naar Indië.
Wilhelmina Nancy Dirksz, 5
16 John
Pike, gedoopt te
Stoke Gabriel op 23 september 1703. Hij was gehuwd te Exeter op 17 mei 1733 met
17 Ann
Laverence, gedoopt te
Churston Ferrers op 14 december 1701.
Christopher Pike, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 23 april 1734.
John Pike, gedoopt te Churston Ferrers
op 3 juli 1735.
William Pike, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 3 maart 1737. Hij was gehuwd met Joan.
Philip Pike, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 19 juni 1739. Hij was gehuwd te Plymstock op 12 juli 1760 met Mary
Winston Pearse.
Ann Pike, gedoopt te Churston Ferrers
op 17 september 1742.
Elizabeth Pike, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 12 maart 1744.
Michael Laverence Pike, 8
Nicholas Moss, gehuwd
te Plymstock op 13 augustus 1740 met
19 Tabitha
Nicholas Cunliff Moss.
William Spicer Moss.
Robert Moss.
Elizabeth Spicer Moss, 9
Walter Avent Moss (vermoedelijk Moss
verwant aan Avent, mogelijk Walter Avent x 1704 Alice Oswell, Wembury?)
Alice Moss.
Nathaniel Pike,
gedoopt te Blackawton in 1675. Hij was gehuwd te
Stoke Gabriel op 1 juni 1698 met
Penelope Kelly,
gedoopt te Stoke Gabriel op 12 juli 1669.
Anne Pike, gedoopt te Stoke Gabriel op
19 oktober 1699.
John Pike, gedoopt te Stoke Gabriel op
6 november 1700, overleden aldaar op 23 april 1701
Nathaniel Pike, gedoopt te Stoke
Gabriel op 24 februari 1702. Hij was gehuwd te met Eleanor, overleden te
Brixham op 4 januari 1747.
John Pike, 16
Philip Pike, gedoopt te Stoke Gabriel
op 2 september 1707. Freeholder Churston Ferrers 1734-1747, hij was gehuwd te
Exeter op 17 juli 1733 met Edith Crews.
34 Michael
Laverence, gedoopt te
Churston Ferrers op 2 april 1657, begraven aldaar op 31 maart 1732. Hij was
gehuwd met
begraven te Churston Ferrers op 12 juli 1738.
Michael Laverence, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 25 december 1689.
2. Mary Laverence, gedoopt te Churston Ferrers op 12
april 1691.
William Laverence, gedoopt te Churston
Ferrers op 28 januari 1694, begraven aldaar december 1724.
Ann Laverence, 17
Generatie 7
64 Philip Pike, te Blackawton, gehuwd met
65 Cicily.
66 John Kelly, hij was gehuwd met
68 Richard
Laverence, hij was
gehuwd te Paignton op 16 januari 1648 met
69 Embline
Pearce, gedoopt te
Churston Ferrers op 14 juni 1615, begraven aldaar in september 1691.
Generatie 8
William Pearce, hij was gehuwd te Churston Ferrers op 4
november 1605 met
Weltinge Harry,
begraven te Churston Ferrers in juli 1660.